Using science and systems biology to find and treat underlying causes and chart a personal course for lifestyle choices

Managing one’s physical and mental health to feel comfortable, safe, and act at ease in today’s environment is a complex matter. If you are concerned about high-functioning longevity there are decisions about lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, coping with stress, sleep, and alcohol that call for personalization. Managing chronic or recurrent health problems requires understanding complex causes.

Our genetic potential engages the environment through a web of mutually interacting systems. For chronic conditions, without sound management that goes beyond a diagnosis and superficial treatment, the underlying condition and nonresolving inflammation naturally progress. More than a ‘try this, try that’ approach is needed. It requires a practitioner conversant with all relevant systems who can investigate the causes, ‘connect the dots’, and see the whole picture.




The Buddha tells the story of a king who summoned people blind from birth to be shown an elephant, then ordered them to describe it. The one who felt the head said an elephant is like a pot; the one who felt the ear said a winnowing basket; the tusk, a ploughshare; the trunk, a plow; the leg, a pillar; the backside, a mortar; the tail, a pestle; and so forth. None properly comprehended the elephant. Management of complex chronic disorders must transcend fragmentation into specialties and biases such as mainstream versus alternative and eastern versus western to understand the whole case.

The functional medicine practice model recruits the emerging science in a systems biology perspective to understand underlying causes. This is the basis for sound treatment decisions and case management. Transcending ‘western’ versus ‘eastern’, the scientifically objective tools, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based resources are employed in a holistic manner. 

The bioconscious model of functional medicine observes how our physiology relates to our mental and behavioral states. It incorporates Polyvagal Theory which respects the manner in which our psychological and behavioral responses interact with our physiological state.

Diagnostic categories are not sufficient to understand the underlying functions and processes. When we deconstruct the labels into dynamic regulatory processes, we can begin to understand the components and how organs and systems are not independent but part of a wholly integrated and mutually interactive autonomic nervous system that regulates them. Understanding the strategies our body is using to adapt and survive offers the chance to shift the physiological and biobehavioral state for the better.

The nervous system is not solely a brain independent of the body, but a brain-body nervous system. Interventions that recruit the neural circuits that calm inflammation and promote restoration and ameliorate immune system polarization also support social interactions to create safety and resilience for the individual and the capacity to practice mindfulness.

The brain and autonomic nervous system, immune system polarization, digestive function, metabolic and hormonal regulation, and the microbiome are among the prominent features in today’s health landscape. Thanks to constant advances in the field we have a wealth of resources to adapt to the needs of the individual. 

Presently, key topics include autoimmunity triggered by infection, including autoimmune encephalopathy (brain disorders) secondary to infection including PANS/PANDAS, depression, etc.; and immunosenescence, how biological aging of the cells of the immune system contributes to the chronic inflammation of most chronic conditions and aging in general.



We invite you to refer to our Functional Medicine Community blog which includes over 700 monographs reporting on emerging studies in the medical and scientific literature of practical clinical importance, easily searched for content.

Our Patients Speak

“Dr. Miller has been very important to my overall physical health and wellbeing for the past few years. His holistic and thorough approach has helped me with some significant issues that I had been struggling with. The results speak for themselves and I continue to seek his wisdom and guidance when it comes to my health. What I like most about Dr. Miller is that he doesn’t just treat the symptoms, he gets to the root of the underlying problem.”

Anthony, San Rafael, CA

“Dr. Miller was very thorough and up to speed on the latest treatments, and most effective. Definitely not your "burn and churn" commercial medical business like most of the Western medicine practices are. Very integrative, and preventative."


“As both a highly competitive athlete and a business consultant operating in high stress environments, I was consistently impressed by (and appreciative of) Jonathan's unique command of the subtle but significance interactions of the body's physiology - chemically, hormonally, nutritionally - in the blood, body and brain - and how that translates physically, cognitively and emotionally to hinder or enhance my well being. His ability to then distill that into clear, simple, yet powerful treatment options that work in my daily life is a rare and valuable talent - one most of us - even those in "good" health can benefit from.”

S. Spann, Sausalito, CA

“I found Dr. Miller after studying thyroid issues in depth, then interviewing 8 healthcare practitioners- his approach is sophisticated, grounded in science and logic and continuous study of the most respected and recent medical research, as well as informed by deep compassion. I have been helped greatly by Dr. Miller and refer him to family and friends when warranted.”

S. Sand, Berkeley, CA

"Dr. Miller offers a healing oasis where you are listened to and cared for, with insight, years of medical experience, and compassion. The office staff is welcoming, accommodating and helpful. In a world where we are inundated with assaults to our health, Dr. Miller can help keep you resilient."



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