Includes over 800 monographs reporting on emerging studies in the medical and scientific literature of practical clinical importance, easily searched for content.

Serum levels of Vitamin B12 are not an accurate indicator of B12 functional status
Serum levels of vitamin B12 are not an accurate indicator of tissue status or functional sufficiency.

Insulin resistance increases breast cancer aggressiveness
Insulin resistance in metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes makes breast cancer cells more aggressive and reduces survival.

Blood pressure taken lying down is a better predictor of cardiovascular disease
Blood pressure measurement while lying down reveals risks for cardiovascular disease that are missed by taking blood pressure while seated.

The Triglyceride–Glucose Index is a powerful biomarker for cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, cancer and much more
The TyG Index an important biomarker associated with insulin resistance, is a powerful predictor of risk for cardiovascular disease, depression, cancer, and much more.

Coffee improves cognition in people with atrial fibrillation
Up to or more than five cups of coffee per day can improve cognition in people with atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation risk identified early by NT-proBNP
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels are strongly associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation, particularly in older adults.

Ketogenic diet can accelerate aging
The ketogenic diet can do harm when prolonged by inducing cellular senescence and inflammation that damages organs. The potential harms can be avoided by personalized management with intermittent application.

Unresolved PTSD promotes adverse cardiovascular and brain effects
PTSD is associated with a 50% to 60% increased risk of incident CVD and elevated stroke and dementia risk.

Stress-linked mental disorders, systemic inflammation, and Brainspotting
Traumatic or emotionally charged experiences can get ‘stored’ in our nervous system, leading to emotional distress and physical symptoms. When physiological or emotional issues remain unprocessed, we can become stuck in a maladaptive biological and/or cognitive-emotional homeostasis. Brainspotting activates the trauma or stress-related emotions and memories that persist in the deeper, subcortical brain in a way that permits spontaneous processing and resolution.

Risks of high cholesterol and benefits of statins misrepresented by unacceptable scientific behavior
The emphasis on relative risk coupled with insufficient disclosure of absolute risk in the reporting of randomized controlled trial outcomes has led healthcare providers and the public to overestimate concerns about high cholesterol and to be misled as to the magnitude of the benefits of cholesterol-lowering therapy.

Phototherapy and photobiomodulation can improve cognitive function in dementia
After 15 years of follow-up, prostate cancer–specific mortality was low regardless whether the treatment assigned was active monitoring, surgery, or radiotherapy. Transperineal prostate biopsy is superior to transrectal.

Atrial fibrillation caused by autoimmunity
Autoimmunity can cause or contribute to atrial fibulation (afib) and other cardiac arrhythmias, and should be included for investigation and treatment in case management.

Red blood cells’ previously unknown immune activity in anemia of inflammation
RBCs promote inflammation through expression of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) on the cell surface and are essential components of inflammatory responses that can cause anemia.

CPAP oronasal masks collapse the airway more than nasal masks
Oronasal masks require higher pressures that have an adverse effect on airway anatomy and function compared to nasal masks.

Oral contraceptive hormone doses could be reduced by over 90%
“Results show that it is possible to reduce the total dose by 92% in estrogen monotherapy, 43% in progesterone monotherapy, and…that by combining estrogen and progesterone the dose can be lowered even more.”

Encouraging news for prostate cancer and a better way to biopsy
After 15 years of follow-up, prostate cancer–specific mortality was low regardless whether the treatment assigned was active monitoring, surgery, or radiotherapy. Transperineal prostate biopsy is superior to transrectal.

Most prenatal supplements do not provide enough key nutrients
Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that almost no prenatal dietary supplements provide key nutrients in the doses needed for pregnant women.

Calcium and vitamin D supplements do not increase bone density in premenopausal women
A Cochrane Review of seven randomized studies shows that calcium and vitamin D do not improve BMD (bone mineral density) in healthy premenopausal women and is unlikely to prevent fractures.

How vagus nerve stimulation improves stomach function
taVNS (transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation), stimulates the gastric-brain network to regulate digestion and the experience of hunger.

Telomere dysfunction without shortening also drives immunosenescence
Oxidative damage can rapidly cause telomeres to no longer function, resulting in the ‘zombie cells’ characteristic of immunosenescence—in the absence of shortening.