About Us
Sangyé Men-La (Tibetan), Buddha Supreme Healer or ‘Medicine Buddha’,
also known as
Baidurya’i Öd-kyi Gyalpo (Tibetan, ‘King of Lapis Light’),
manifests the ideal of unconditional love and compassion, omniscient wisdom, and unfathomable blessing power that is an aspirational model for practitioners of the healing arts and sciences.
If you would like to recite the dharani or mantra of Buddha Supreme Healer for your own and others’ benefit you may download the text here.
Orgyen Menla - the Lotus-Born Buddha inseparable from Buddha Supreme Healer
What’s in the brain is in the body, what’s in the body is in the brain.
Dr. Jonathan Miller is licensed as a chiropractic physician in Washington state and California. He is a lifelong practitioner in the Nyingmapa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Since graduating with honors from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon (now University of Western States) in 1979, his time spent in patient contact is equaled by that spent in the constant continuing education and case research needed to advance competency in the rapidly progressing field of functional medicine.
His studies and trainings here and abroad in a range of disciplines and modalities are too numerous to list.
Dr. Miller is certified to administer and evaluate the MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) test to screen for cognitive impairment.
Dr. Miller is a certified Wilderness Medicine First Responder.
A Non-Hypocritical Oath
May all who see and come into contact with me, all who hear and think of me, all who place their confidence in me as a doctor or care-giver; as well as all who think of me adversely, condemn me, or wish me harm; may all those with both positive and negative karmic connections, including all the creatures that fly, move on the land, live in the water, and even the micro-organisms who consume my body as food; may all their experience result in only benefit by whatever I think, say, or do.
May this become a cause for the fulfillment of all their needs, including efficacious medicines and treatments, nutritious wholesome food, tranquil shelter, a restful bed, comfortable garments, trouble-free vehicles, a salubrious environment, and harmonious companions; and may they be established in ever greater happiness and beyond.