Zirconia ceramic dental implants, an alternative to titanium

What to do about dental restorations in consideration of potential immune hypersensitivity to titanium? Ask your dental specialist about zirconia ceramic implants. As the author of this paper published in the Journal of the American Dental Association when comparing porcelain fused to metal with all zirconia ceramic states: "it is assumed that the well-known objectionable gingival reactions often observed with PFM restorations probably will be reduced or eliminated. After having placed hundreds of restorations, I have found these reactions to be reduced with the use of all-ceramic materials." The authors of this study published in Neuro Endocrinology Letters make the compelling statement: "This clinical study shows that dental implants made from zirconia are a feasible alternative to titanium dental implants. In addition to excellent cosmetic results, zirconia implants allow a degree of osseointegration and soft tissue response that is superior to titanium dental implants."


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Dental implants and reactions to titanium