Magnesium enhances learning and memory

NeuronAs the authors of this paper recently published in the journal Neuron state:

"Learning and memory are fundamental brain functions affected by dietary and environmental factors." The authors "show that increasing brain magnesium...leads to the enhancement of learning abilities, working memory, and short- and long-term memory..."

Facilitation (the pathways become more efficient) and long-term potentiation (the synapses become more efficient) are the means by which learning and memory are 'sculpted' in the brain. The authors go on to conclude:

"Our findings suggest that an increase in brain magnesium enhances both short-term synaptic facilitation and long-term potentiation and improves learning and memory functions."

Though they used a novel form, it's the magnesium in the brain, not the form, that does the job. This is another item added to the long list of reasons to keep your magnesium up. The next time you suffer a leg or foot cramp remember—this may be affecting your brain too.


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