Sports and energy drinks are not appropriate for children and adolescents

A clinical report just published in the journal Pediatrics by the American Academy of Pediatrics makes it clear why children and adolescents should not consume sports and energy drinks. The authors state:

"Sports and energy drinks are being marketed to children and adolescents for a wide variety of inappropriate uses."

The authors define the categories of sports versus energy drinks, discuss their misuse, and exhort doctors to screen for their consumption while understanding why it has become so widespread. Their hope is to eliminate the use of these beverages by children and adolescents in most cases. They state:

"Rigorous review and analysis of the literature reveal that caffeine and other stimulant substances contained in energy drinks have no place in the diet of children and adolescents. Furthermore, frequent or excessive intake of caloric sports drinks can substantially increase the risk for overweight or obesity in children and adolescents."

While this is a common sense assertion, some readers may feel more satisfied by the extensive evidence documented at length in the report itself. 


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