Includes over 800 monographs reporting on emerging studies in the medical and scientific literature of practical clinical importance, easily searched for content.
Gut microbiome, SCFAs, mood disorders, ketogenic diet and seizures
SCFA (short-chain fatty acid) production by the gut microbiome has a large effect on autoimmunity, brain inflammation, neuropsychiatric disorders and seizures by Immune system modulation; and this positive effect can be damaged by antibiotics.
Circadian rhythms of inflammation
Treatment of chronic inflammation can be enhanced and adrenal suppression minimized by circadian dosing of anti-inflammatory medication.
Depression, inflammation and light therapy
Research shows relief from depression by combining management of inflammation with bright light and chronotherapy to correct circadian dysregulation.
Hair loss frequently associated with autoimmunity
Identifying hair loss as associated with early immune system dysregulation not only permits proper treatment of the presenting complaint but becomes an opportunity to ward off progression to more debilitating autoimmune disease.
Lung cancer, inflammation, and tumor microenvironment
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. As with all other cancers, untangling the role of systemic inflammation (cancer promoting) versus inflammation in the tumor microenvironment (cancer fighting) is of fundamental clinical importance. A welcome study just published in PLOS One (Public Library of Science) sheds light on this critical conundrum while including the aspect of nutritional status.
Vitamin C modulates gene expression to control inflammation
A fascinating study reveals that vitamin C supplementation in a non-deficient, normal physiologic state has no significant effect. But in the presence of an inflammatory trigger vitamin C modulates gene expression to control inflammation.
Type 2 diabetes - autoimmune aspects
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) causation is not restricted to metabolic factors but can include loss of immune tolerance for components of the glucose and insulin regulating systems. A paper published recently in the journal Gerontology reminds that interventions that ameliorate autoimmune inflammation can help to lower blood sugar.
Depression, aging and brain inflammation: indications for sustainable treatment
Depression and aging, not only diminished cognitive function but the level of physiological competence throughout the body, have brain inflammation in common. This fact is of premiere importance when designing rational treatment plans for both depression and high functioning longevity.
Treating atherosclerosis as an autoimmune inflammatory disease
Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by plaque formation in an artery in response to inflammation in the lining (endothelium) of the vessel. It is referred to also as vulnerable plaque because it is subject to rupture followed by the blocking of a smaller downstream artery, the immediate cause of most heart attacks and strokes. A paper recently published in Immunology Letters discusses the treatment of the vascular inflammation of atherosclerosis as an autoimmune inflammatory disorder.
Nervous system regulation of inflammation, cytokines, and heart rate variability
Nervous system regulation of inflammation, cytokines, and heart rate variability