Dairy reduces inflammation and oxidative stress more than soy

American Journal of Clinical NutritionA surprising paper just published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition offers evidence that natural dairy may reduce inflammation and oxidative stress more than soy. Don't forget that allergy to casein (dairy protein) is a serious matter, but when that is not a factor note what the investigators found:

"The dairy-supplemented diet resulted in significant suppression of oxidative stress and lower inflammatory markers and increased adiponectin, whereas the soy exerted no significant effect."

Just goes to show the importance of the scientific approach and an open mind. The authors conclude:

"An increase in dairy food intake produces significantand substantial suppression of the oxidative and inflammatorystress associated with overweight and obesity." The best dairy is from animals eating alpine grasses or forage rather than grain, whether cow, sheep or yak. [In fact, 'yak' refers to the male of the species; the milk-bearing female is the dru.]


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