Prenatal phthalates reduce masculinity in boys—screening test available

Internation Journal of AndrologyHormone-mimicking endocrine disruptors are a massive and pervasive environmental problem. This recent paper published in the International Journal of Andrology reports that exposure to one class of potent antiandrogens (they oppose the function of male hormones) called phthalates alter the effects of male hormones on brain development to the extent that there is a measurable effect on masculine play in boys. The authors state, "These data...suggest that prenatal exposure to antiandrogenic phthalates may be associated with less male-typical play behaviour in boys. Our findings suggest that these ubiquitous environmental chemicals have the potential to alter androgen-responsive brain development in humans." What do you do if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy? We use a screening blood test for phthalates and parabens. If you need it, physiologically sound and personalized detox protocols are available.


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