Anti-inflammatory diets slow brain aging

Journal of NeuroscienceHere we have important evidence that what we eat has a big effect on how our brain ages. A review of recent studies was published in The Journal of Neuroscience that highlights the importance of slowing down the "age-related neurodegenerative diseases superimposed on a declining nervous system [that] could enhance the motor and cognitive behavioral deficits that normally occur in senescence." The authors note that drugs are not available, so "it is important to determine what methods can be used today to increase healthy aging [and] forestall the onset of these diseases." They emphasize the benefit of "diets rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components such as those found in fruits, nuts, vegetables, and spices" to "lower age-related cognitive declines and the risk of developing neurodegenerative disease." Are you getting what you need to slow the pace of neurodegeneration? The right tests can tell.


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