Most doctors are not comfortable diagnosing food allergies

PediatricsFood allergy and food sensitivity are common aggravating factors for chronic inflammation of many kinds. If you think food allergy or sensitivity may be contributing to your problems, be sure to find a doctor who has the right knowledge and experience. This paper just published in the journal Pediatrics examined 407 primary care physicians for their knowledge and confidence about food allergy. The authors report that "...only 24% knew that oral food challenges may be used in the diagnosis of food allergy, 12% correctly rejected that chronic nasal problems are not symptom of food allergy, and 23% recognized that yogurts/cheeses from milk are unsafe for children with immunoglobulin E–mediated milk allergies." Their polite conclusion: "Knowledge of food allergy among primary care physicians was fair. Opportunities for improvement exist, as acknowledged by participants' own perceptions of their clinical abilities in the management of food allergy."


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