Tocotrienols: a better anti-inflammatory Vit E

LipidsThis recent study published in the journal Lipids reveals compelling evidence that tocotrienols are much more effective at reducing inflammation by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression (COX-2) than the common alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E. The authors state: "Tocotrienols are powerful chain breaking antioxidants. Moreover, they are now known to exhibit various non-antioxidant properties such as anti-cancer, neuroprotective and hypocholesterolemic functions." They note that different tocotrienols vary in which pro-inflammatory signalling path they inhibit, and go on to conclude: "Collectively, the data suggested that tocotrienols are better anti-inflammatory agents than α-tocopherol and the most effective form is δ-tocotrienol," although careful reading suggests that a mixed tocotrienol supplement would be most desirable as a safe and side-effect free natural anti-inflammatory agent.


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