Does your brain seem like it isn't working as well? This predicts further decline.

Alzheimer's & Dementia 0110A study just published in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia is a 'heads-up' for those who want to avoid cognitive impairment and dementia down the road. The researchers observed 213 subjects over an average of 7 years and documented that those with subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) declined significantly more rapidly to poor brain health and dementia than those with no experience of cognitive impairment. They concluded: "These results indicate that SCI in subjects with normal cognition is a harbinger of further decline in most subjects during a 7-year mean follow-up interval." Having a little trouble remembering names, where you put your keys, what you came into the room for? Are you learning new things as easily as you did 5 years ago? Don't wait, determine your brain health strategy now.


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