Trans fats increase risk of endometriosis

Human ReproductionThe authors of this study published recently in the journal Human Reproduction analyzed 12 years of data from the Nurses' Health Study II to discriminate any link between dietary fat intake and the risk of endometriosis. Their analysis revealed that...

"Although total fat consumption was not associated with endometriosis risk, those women in the highest fifth of long-chain omega-3 fatty acid consumption were 22% less likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis...In addition, those in the highest quintile of trans-unsaturated fat intake were 48% more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis."

Considering the other well-known deleterious effects of trans fats, their conclusion is easy to digest:

"These data suggest that specific types of dietary fat are associated with the incidence of laparoscopically confirmed endometriosis, and that these relations may indicate modifiable risk. This evidence additionally provides another disease association that supports efforts to remove trans fat from hydrogenated oils from the food supply."

By the way, endometriosis is not always so easy to diagnose. Another paper published in the same journal documents the accuracy of a non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis using plasma (blood) biomarkers:

"Plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8 and CA-125 were increased in all women with endometriosis and in those with minimal–mild endometriosis, compared with controls. In women with moderate–severe endometriosis, plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8 and CA-125, but also of hsCRP, were significantly higher than in controls."

Yet again we see the diagnostic importance of cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8 in this case). The authors affirm that this method has good sensitivity and specificity:

"Using stepwise logistic regression, moderate–severe endometriosis was diagnosed with a sensitivity of 100% (specificity 84%) and minimal–mild endometriosis was detected with a sensitivity of 87% (specificity 71%) during the secretory phase."

Action points: (1) Minimize trans fats in your diet in any case. (2) If you suspect an inflammatory disorder ask your doctor about tests for cytokines.


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