Eat a Mediterranean diet for better sex

Journal of Sexual MedicineTwo papers recently published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine document the benefit of the low glycemic Mediterranean diet for sexual function in both women and men. The authors of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Sexual Function in Women with Type 2 Diabetes evaluated how well they stuck to the diet and correlated it with sexual function...

"The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was used for assessing the key dimensions of female sexual function."

What did the data show?

"Diabetic women with the highest scores (of adherence to the diet) had lower BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio, a lower prevalence of depression, obesity and metabolic syndrome, a higher level of physical activity, and better glucose and lipid profiles...The proportion of sexually active women showed a significant increase...of adherence to Mediterranean diet...women with the highest score of adherence had a lower prevalence of sexual dysfunction...These associations remained significant after adjustment for many potential confounders."

The authors of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Type 2 Diabetes conducted a similar investigation for men. This time the International Index of Erectile Function-5 was used as a metric for sexual function. Here's what the data showed:

"The proportion of sexually active men showed a significant increase...of adherence to Mediterranean diet. Moreover, men with the highest score of adherence were more likely to have a lower prevalence of global ED and severe ED as compared with low adherers."

No surprise, right? Low glycemic vegetables and fruits, lots of olive oil, nuts, a little wine, etc: the Mediterranean Diet.


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