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Thyroid hormone conversion affects hypothyroid treatment

Dosing strategies solely based on a TSH definition of euthyroidism neglect the important role of FT3, which has recently emerged as an equally significant parameter in defining thyroid physiology... in cases where an FT3–FT4 dissociation becomes increasingly apparent following dose escalation of l-T4, an alternate treatment modality, possibly T3/T4 combination therapy, should be considered.

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Autoimmune Autoimmune

Vertigo and dizziness associated with thyroid autoimmunity

Vertigo and dizziness can occur when the vestibular system (parts of the inner ear and brain that process sensory information to control balance and eye movements) is disturbed. "...the present study demonstrates the existence of a clear relationship between thyroid autoimmunity and subclinical vestibular damage, regardless of thyroid function. "

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Iodine deficiency, pregnancy, and autoimmunity

Iodine deficiency is still a serious concern, especially for pregnant women in North America, as reported in a review just published in the journal Thyroid. Despite global improvements since 1990, iodine sufficiency has actually been declining in US adults. Iodine deficiency can be detected with a 24-hour urine collection. Even when supplementation is indicated it must be done cautiously to avoid triggering autoimmune thyroiditis.

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