Includes over 800 monographs reporting on emerging studies in the medical and scientific literature of practical clinical importance, easily searched for content.

Nordic walking beats HIIT exercise for cardiovascular benefits
Nordic walking surpassed HIIT and MICT exercise in improving functional capacity in subjects with coronary artery disease. Depression scores also improved.

Skip the hot bath after your COVID shot
There are several activities to avoid to reduce the risk of serious adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccination.

Calcium supplementation increases heart attack risk in large study
In a very large, real-world study calcium supplementation significantly increased the risks for heart attack, stroke, and mortality in general. On the other hand, subclinical magnesium deficiency is a major driver of cardiovascular disease.

Immunosenescence—immune deterioration associated with age—and social stress
Immunosenescence, the immune system deterioration associated with aging that drives the inflammation of chronic disease, can be accelerated by other factors including social stress.

Prediabetes is linked to heart attacks
Prediabetes is a major a risk factor for myocardial infarction (heart attack). There are excellent resources to reverse prediabetes and its associated vascular damage.

Enriching the conversation about menopause
An thought-provoking and inspiring article in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) freshly unwraps the experiential, medical, and psychological aspects of menopause and suggests a better way forward.

Overcoming postpartum depression to calm distressed babies with heart rate variability
Mothers can calm distressed babies when their heart rate variability reflects a state of ease to which the baby naturally synchronizes.

Pain is often prolonged by anti-inflammatory drugs
Treatment using steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to treat low back pain can increase the risk of developing tenacious chronic pain.

Four factors shown to predict long COVID
There are four PASC (‘long COVID’)-anticipating biological factors that can be measured as early as at initial COVID-19 diagnosis, including pre-existing type 2 diabetes, SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia, EBV viremia, and autoantibodies from patients’ blood. These can help guide the prevention and treatment of long COVID.

Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation relieves depression by reducing brain inflammation
Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) relieves depression by reducing inflammation in the brain. It is safe and easy to do. This study adds to the growing body of knowledge in the functional/integrative treatment of depression using interventions that promote healthy brain biology and adds to the expanding resources used in the FM model for calming brain inflammation, and taVNS in particular.

Fasting-mimicking diet benefits for cancer patients
The 5-day fasting mimicking diet is well tolerated and causes remarkable systemic metabolic changes in patients with different tumor types It reshapes systemic and intratumor immunity and activates several antitumor immune programs.

Anti-idiotype antibodies and symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination
Anti-idiotype antibodies (Ab2 antibodies) are produced by the immune system as a means to tame to effect of the ‘original’ antibodies (Ab1 antibodies) induced to react to a specific antigen to prevent the immune response from getting out of hand. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antigen is one such primary Ab1 target.

COVID’s ‘comet tail’ of autoimmunity
SARS-CoV-2, like many other infections, can trigger latent or instigate new autoimmunity. It is exceptional compared to many other pathogens in the large number of epitopes (the part of an antigen that an antibody attaches to) that mimic human antigens. This includes targets for brain inflammation.

Insulin levels change before weight loss or obesity
High insulin levels, provoked by spikes in blood glucose due to high glycemic foods or stress chemistry, block the metabolism of calories for energy and force them to be stored as visceral fat. This process precedes weight gain.

Non-specific symptoms occur years before multiple sclerosis diagnosis
Diffuse, non-specific symptoms are experienced years before the diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis (MS) are satisfied. This illustrates the ‘prodrome’ that is typical of a wide variety of autoimmune disorders. It highlights the importance of investigating antibodies to self-tissue (autoantibodies) classified as ‘predictive’ when they occur before any symptoms.

Hepatic stellate cells suppress natural killer cells allowing cancers cells to ‘wake up’
Natural killer (NK) cells are specialized white blood cells crucial for fighting cancer and a first line of defense against infection. Robust activity of NK cells is necessary to keep cancer cells dormant and oppose metastasis. New evidence has emerged showing how metabolic factors that promote liver fibrosis result in the suppression of healthy NK cell activity.

Maternal autoimmunity associated with ADHD in children
The biology of autoimmunity during pregnancy can have numerous consequences for the health of both mother and offspring; these include such conditions as childhood tics and OCD, autism, congenital heart block; infertility, miscarriage and preterm birth; placental abruption, numerous consequences of antithyroid antibodies, etc.
Probiotics: use caution with autoimmune disease
Probiotics may promote immune disease in a predisposed host.
Induction of autoimmunity by infection
Autoimmune conditions are on the rise. They can be triggered by infection. We are very likely too see an even steeper increase in autoimmune symptoms in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.