Comparing Medications to Reduce Risk for Breast Cancer

This recent paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine reviews 8 trials to compare three medications that bind to estrogen receptors to exert an anti-estrogenic effect. These drugs "...increased risk for thromboembolic events [blood clots] (tamoxifen and raloxifene), endometrial cancer (tamoxifen), and strokes (tibolone)." Ladies, there are other choices; here is just one: This study recently published in the journal Cancer Science investigates the consumption of soy products (a weak estrogen receptor stimulator) and concludes: "This study suggests that consumption of soy food, soy isoflavone, is inversely associated with the risk of breast cancer." Interestingly, "The protective effects of soy did not seem to differ by ER and PR breast cancer status." (Bear in mind that this refers mainly to fermented soy products.)


Iron deficiency anemia, Helicobacter infection and autoimmune gastritis


Children: Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Celiac Disease