The essential point about essential tremors

Here is another topic that reinforces the importance of having a brain protection strategy. Tremor means an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of a body part. Essential tremor (ET) can involve the head, jaw and voice in addition to the hand and forearm, and is usually present during postural and intentional movements (absent at rest). Left to itself the condition is progressive. Taking a functional medicine perspective, the essential point is that the same underlying causal factors that apply to other neurodegenerative disorders must be evaluated and addressed (see posts on Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc). This is analogous to autoimmune diseases where a similar set of causal factors engages different target tissues. A small sampling of studies that discuss the neurodegenerative underpinnings of essential tremor:

  1. The Essential Tremors: A Family of Neurodegenerative Disorders?
  2. Pathologic findings in prospectively ascertained essential tremor subjects
  3. Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Essential Tremor, and Control Brains
  4. Distinctions Between Early Diseases of the Cerebellum and Parkinson's Disease
  5. Reduced Purkinje Cell Number in Essential Tremor

[Purkinje cells are specialized neurons that are active in all motor coordination from the cerebellum.]


Insulin resistance and colorectal cancer


Atrial fibrillation and subclinical hyperthyroidism (and gluten sensitivity)