Brain health is linked to heart health, implications for blood pressure medication

An interesting study just published in the journal Circulation provides evidence of the link between brain health and the capacity of the heart to send blood to the brain. The authors first note the importance of cerebral perfusion (getting blood into the brain):

"Cardiac dysfunction is associated with neuroanatomic and neuropsychological changes in aging adults with prevalent cardiovascular disease, theoretically because systemic hypoperfusion disrupts cerebral perfusion, contributing to subclinical brain injury."

They set out to test whether the cardiac index (the amount of blood the heart pumps in proportion to body size) as a metric for cardiac function would correlate with loss of brain tissue as shown by brain MRI and neuropsychological markers of ischemia (reduction of oxygen due reduced blood flow) and Alzheimer's disease. What did the data show?

"...cardiac index was positively related to total brain volume and information processing speed and inversely related to lateral ventricular volume...participants in the bottom cardiac index tertile and middle cardiac index tertile had significantly lower brain volumes than participants in the top cardiac index tertile."

Even the people with the middle cardiac group (low normal) had showed signs of serious neurodegeneration with brain atrophy (lower brain volume). How important is it to get better than a low normal amount of blood to the brain?

"Although observational data cannot establish causality, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that decreasing cardiac function, even at normal cardiac index levels, is associated with accelerated brain aging."

Consider this in light of earlier research that aggressive treatment of blood pressure is harmful. Clinicians must respect the need to balance cardiovascular protection from excessive pressure dynamics with the profound need to ensure adequate cerebral perfusion. Are you concerned that your blood pressure therapy may be stronger than it should? Read the earlier research posts and discuss the matter with your doctor.


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