Includes over 800 monographs reporting on emerging studies in the medical and scientific literature of practical clinical importance, easily searched for content.

Blood pressure taken lying down is a better predictor of cardiovascular disease
Blood pressure measurement while lying down reveals risks for cardiovascular disease that are missed by taking blood pressure while seated.

Calcium supplementation increases heart attack risk in large study
In a very large, real-world study calcium supplementation significantly increased the risks for heart attack, stroke, and mortality in general. On the other hand, subclinical magnesium deficiency is a major driver of cardiovascular disease.
Brain blood flow reduction associated with kidney function
A study just published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology demonstrates that impairments in kidney function consistent with mild CKD (chronic kidney disease) are associated with reduced blood flow in the brain.
CKD (chronic kidney disease) expected for 50% over age 30
Chronic kidney disease incidence is rising steeply and projected to affect half the population aged 30 to 64. Key causal factors are metabolic syndrome with insulin resistance and hypertension. These are made worse by added sugars than by salt.
Magnesium protects against preeclampsia seizures
...magnesium raises the threshold for seizures in preeclampsia by reducing neuroinflammation...and prevents hypertension in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Blood pressure forced too low and cognitive impairment
Low daytime systolic blood pressure was independently associated with a greater progression of cognitive decline in older patients with dementia and MCI among those treated with AHDs. Excessive SBP lowering may be harmful for older patients with cognitive impairment.
Nuts reduce inflammation and all-cause mortality
In the absence of allergy, the evidence supports the consumption of nuts as wholesome foods with anti-inflammatory and metabolic benefits, exactly what paleo diets intend to accomplish.
Magnesium supplementation improves insulin resistance
Insulin resistance is benefited by magnesium supplementation according to mounting evidence. A study published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism documents significant improvements in insulin resistance by supplementation even when the subjects' magnesium levels appeared normal.
Magnesium: insulin, brain, heart and inflammation
Magnesium may be the critical nutrient most commonly drained by modern environmental stress to suboptimal levels... Recent studies add evidence to its indication for insulin resistance, diabetes, cognitive impairment, atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular disease, and neurogenic inflammation.
Brain atrophy is promoted by both high and low blood pressure
Brain atrophy, with progressive cognitive impairment, can include among causal factors neuronal loss due to diminished oxygen perfusion. Earlier posts have documented the importance of not over-medicating hypertension. A study just published in JAMA Neurology provides evidence that brain atrophy is promoted by low diastolic blood pressure in addition to hypertension.
Breast cancer risk doubles with calcium channel blockers for hypertension
Breast cancer risk assessment must take into consideration chronic inflammation, which comes to the fore in light of a study just published in JAMA Internal Medicine (formerly Archives of Internal Medicine) offering evidence that use use of calcium channel blockers double the risk for breast cancer.
High blood pressure: when is medication needed for hypertension?
High blood pressure: when is medication needed for hypertension? The authors of an intervention review published recently in the highly respected Cochrane Library examine all the relevant randomized controls trials and come to the conclusion that medicating mild hypertension (systolic blood pressure (BP) 140-159 mmHg and/or diastolic BP 90-99 mmHg) confers no benefit.
GGT is an important predictor of diabetes and cardiovascular risk
GGT is an important predictor of diabetes and cardiovascular risk
Single blood pressure measurements both in the clinic and at home are not reliable
Single blood pressure measurements both in the clinic and at home are not reliable
Risk for high blood pressure, kidney and cardiovascular disease can persist long after E. coli gastroenteritis
Risk for high blood pressure, kidney and cardiovascular disease can persist long after E. coli gastroenteritis