Includes over 800 monographs reporting on emerging studies in the medical and scientific literature of practical clinical importance, easily searched for content.

Thyroid hormone conversion affects hypothyroid treatment

Dosing strategies solely based on a TSH definition of euthyroidism neglect the important role of FT3, which has recently emerged as an equally significant parameter in defining thyroid physiology... in cases where an FT3–FT4 dissociation becomes increasingly apparent following dose escalation of l-T4, an alternate treatment modality, possibly T3/T4 combination therapy, should be considered.

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Zoledronic acid ups bone density but doesn't reduce fractures

Zoledronic acid (Zometa®, Zomera®, Reclast®, Aclasta®), like other bisphosphonate drugs, slows bone resorption by binding to bone and inducing apoptosis (killing) osteoclasts, the bone cells that clear old bone to make room for new. A study just published in JAMA Internal Medicine adds to the evidence that this strategy, while improving bone mineral density, may not reduce and may even worsen fractures.

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Overactive bladder: urine is not sterile

Overactive bladder, and the often more painful condition interstitial cystitis (IC) and painful bladder syndrome (PBS) occur in the absence of infection and should be investigated for an autoimmune basis...A fascinating paper just published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology demolishes the dogma that urine is sterile by using advanced methods to prove that the urinary bladder has its own microbiome.

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Nigella sativa, a true 'wonder medicine'?

Nigella sativa, also known as black cumin, produces seeds with a mind-boggling wealth of medicinal virtues. For colleagues and others who may not be familiar with the abundance of scientific evidence for the use of Nigella sativa seed extract in clinical practice, this selection of citations serves as an introduction to its wide range of indications.

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